Friday, July 24, 2009

Standing In The Presence Of God

When the Lord sent an angel to tell Zacharias that he would be a father, (of John the Baptist)
Zacharias had a hard time believing it, since he and his wife were advanced in years. And in response to Zacharias’ doubt, the angel said these very potent words, "I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and was sent to speak to you and bring you these glad tidings. 20 But behold, you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time." Luke 1:19-20

There is such a majesty in his introduction, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God.” I have always thought of that as such a faraway concept, to stand in the very presence of the unveiled glory and grandeur of the living God. And while it will one day be a reality for those who follow Christ, in a sense it is somewhat faraway from our daily existence.

But in another sense, maybe we should ask ourselves “Why?” For after all, God has given His Holy Spirit to those who believe, who are born again by faith in Christ. And His Spirit is able to fill us with all the fullness of Christ if we will seek Him with our whole heart. And therein lies the key. Gabriel stands in the presence of God. But how much time do we spend in His presence? We sing songs in church about yearning to see God’s face. But in order to see someone’s face, we must be looking at them. And I know that I spend far too much time with my back towards God, and my face pressed against the glass of the world’s toy stores and candy shops.

What does God see when He looks at me? Is He acquainted with my face? Or is He offered only my back, while my affections are lavished on the world? What do I see when I look at God? Do I spend enough time to truly meet Him in the Spirit? Or do I leave Him an email to read at His convenience?

Lord help us to long for Your face; for the tender and fatherly wisdom reflected in Your eyes; for the unspeakable joy of knowing Your delight in us by the favor of Your countenance; and to cherish Your fellowship as riches beyond measure.


  1. Wow, Dad! What an inspired and convicting post! Think I'll post a link to it over at my blog.

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